Shocking Hidden Dangers of Massage Therapy

Physiotherapy Massage at the Back [
Massage, an ancient practice dating back thousands of years, has evolved into a popular form of therapy, promoting relaxation, easing pain, and enhancing overall well-being. The earliest recorded evidence of massage dates back to ancient Egypt around 2500 BCE.

Massage therapy has a number of benefits to our general wellness. From improved blood circulation and recovery of soft tissue injuries to reduced muscle tension and improved cardiovascular health. It helps us sleep better, stimulates our lymphatic system, and decreases arthritis pain.

However, although rare, there are downsides to the therapy, ranging from mild to severe. From muscle soreness, bruising and skin irritation, to nerve injury and blood clots. I must add, massage therapy is generally safe, with the pros outweighing the cons, although nothing is ever totally perfect.

36-year-old Grace Nakanwagi (not real names) was rushed to the emergency room because she was having trouble breathing. She had gotten a massage on her left leg only two hours earlier, to soothe the pain that she had endured for five weeks. After the massage, she started feeling chest pain that went all the way to her back.

It is worth noting that Grace does not smoke, does she drink alcohol and had never been admitted to a hospital or undergone any surgeries.

The massage parlour where Grace had her massage done is a reputable service that was established a couple of years ago. The massage session lasted about an hour and utilised oil and lotion.

She arrived at the hospital anxious, breathing fast, and with an accelerated heartbeat. Her left calf was also swollen and painful in comparison to her right calf. A heart test (ECG) showed signs of a blood clot in the lungs (PE) and strain on the right side of the heart.

The clot in her lungs was life-threatening and her condition was unstable. Luckily for her, she had arrived at the hospital just in time to have the lump dissolved. After two weeks in hospital, she was discharged.

A few years ago, another wellness enthusiast, a medical doctor with a facility in the central business district of Kampala Uganda, and over 3 decades of practice under his belt, had his leg amputated after a massage session gone bad. He had gone to a spa after work one evening to unwind and had a massage as he occasionally did. Nothing out of the ordinary.

He went home afterwards, only for the ache in his leg to intensify from severe discomfort to excruciating pain. He was rushed to the hospital and admitted immediately, amputation being the best route of action.

Massages from qualified therapists are generally safe and rarely lead to complications. However, people with pre-existing conditions should be cautious. In rare cases, massages can cause complications, leading to tissue damage or, if left untreated, amputation.

While massage has its drawbacks, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Whether you are seeking relaxation, pain relief, or improved overall health, a massage is an excellent way to go.

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3 thoughts on “Shocking Hidden Dangers of Massage Therapy”

  1. Whew, for a moment there I thought you were going to mention “happy ending” nonsense associated with many of Uganda’s massage parlors. S*x work, exploitation of female workers… I no longer trust these establishments 😔

Picture of Alfred Galandi

Alfred Galandi

Alfred Galandi is a community psychologist based in Kampala, Uganda. He is a digital enthusiast that explores the intersection of technology and community development. Alfred loves traveling and discovering new cultures, weaving stories from his experiences.


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