Picture of Precious Aloyo

Precious Aloyo

Precious Gift Aloyo is a journalist, voice-over artist and poet. She strongly believes in environmental preservation through collective action.

By This Auhtor


Home Workouts for a Perfect Body Shape: No Gym Required

Keeping fit is very important in this day and age where unhealthy food is getting more and more popularized. People feel so fancy when they eat unhealthily, ‘Let’s go for KFC’ or ‘Yesterday I ordered pizza today I’ll do fries.’ Gaining weight is so easy,

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Hidden Reasons Why You’re Always Sleepy and Tired

‘A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands and poverty…’ I’m sure you are familiar with this word arrangement. Often, oversleeping is closely associated with laziness, yet in most cases, there are underlying reasons. A victim of oversleeping, I initially thought

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