Why You Ditched Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook for X and TikTok


Ever wondered why many people feel embarrassed or ‘uncool’ admitting they still have a Facebook account? What was once everyone’s go-to social platform has now turned into a space where we check in on distant relatives or reconnect with old schoolmates,—essentially becoming an online village. While it’s still used by millions, Facebook’s decline isn’t just because it’s considered ‘old school,’ there are deeper reasons behind why people have distanced themselves from the platform. While newer apps like TikTok dominate the scene, and X (formerly Twitter) leads the social media charts alongside YouTube, Facebook’s fall from grace can be traced back to how difficult it is to use compared to its modern counterparts.

User Experience: A Major Turn-Off
When you compare Facebook and LinkedIn to platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or X, there’s a glaring issue with how they handle user experience. Navigating Facebook, especially when managing both personal accounts and brand pages, feels unnecessarily complex. Instagram, for instance, lets users easily switch between personal and business accounts under one profile, while Facebook separates everything—user accounts, pages, and business accounts. This setup might be helpful for professionals with multiple brands, but for the average social media user, it’s more of a hassle than a convenience. Most users don’t want to spend time navigating complicated settings; they just want a platform that’s quick, accessible, and intuitive.

Facebook’s Clunky Design
If you’ve been a Facebook user for a while, you know how frustrating it can be to perform simple tasks like updating ‘details about you’ or unblocking someone. You often have to Google how to do it. The mobile app is notoriously difficult to use, and certain features can only be accessed via desktop. In contrast, platforms like TikTok, X, and YouTube are designed to be more user-friendly and have long kept it that way. On Facebook, trying to find a specific feature can feel like hunting for a needle in a haystack.

The Meta Maze😂
Another issue is Facebook’s integration with other Meta platforms. Instead of making things simpler, it feels like you need to use all Meta apps—Messenger for messages, Ads Manager for advertising, Business Suite for managing accounts—to fully access Facebook’s features. That’s a lot! It’s like Meta has scattered Facebook’s core functionalities across multiple apps, creating a fragmented experience for users.

Too Much, Too Complicated
Facebook’s attempt to be everything to everyone is one of its biggest downfalls. Between groups, accounts, pages, and business accounts, the platform has become overly complicated. The constant feature updates and design changes only add to the confusion. After just a year of not using Facebook, you might find yourself needing to ask someone how to perform a simple task like updating your username. The complexity has driven many users to platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit, which offer simpler, more streamlined experiences.

Facebook’s downfall isn’t just about its age—it’s about how difficult it has become to use. The platform’s over-complicated navigation, constant updates, and scattered features have pushed users toward more accessible, user-friendly platforms. While Facebook still has a place in social media, it’s clear that the once-dominant platform is losing users to competitors that prioritize simplicity and ease of use.

To be continued….

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Picture of Isaac Odwako O.
Isaac Odwako O.
Okumu Isaac Odwako, professionally known as Isaac Nymy, is a Ugandan internet entrepreneur and digital designer. He is the founder and CEO of Nymy Media and the founder of Nymy Net.
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