Silent Prostitution in Kampala: Is Your Girlfriend Involved?


Kampala’s nightlife glows with the allure of wealth, but beneath the surface lies a rising underground trend that might hit closer to home than you’d expect. Could your girlfriend secretly be leading a double life as a call girl? The lines between hustling and prostitution have become dangerously blurred in a city where economic struggles meet social media fame. This investigation reveals how, without even realising it, you might be dating someone who’s part of Kampala’s silent prostitution wave.

The New Hustle: Silent Prostitutes
In recent months, Kampala has seen a rise in what can only be described as ‘silent prostitution.’ This phenomenon, though has been growing slowly and silently online, recently raised attention following the infamous incident involving musician Gloria Buggie, whose nude photos were leaked online. Allegations surfaced on X that she was selling sex services for a staggering Ugx. 10 millions at Speke Resort, according to a WhatsApp chat that leaked on the platform. If you’re dating someone in this bustling city, it’s time to utilize your third eye and ask yourself: is your girlfriend part of this new trend?

The economic situation in Uganda is dire— house rent is high, food is abnormally expensive, TV subscriptions are through the roof, and utility bills are as alarming as they are scary— and yet paradoxically there is a class of people whose pockets are full and spilling (We will investigate those laundering money and spending it lavishly). This situation breeds sinister ideas in the minds of lucre-loving girls, driving them to dig into these deep fat pockets and fish out some dollars, pushing many of them into unconventional careers.

This is the background: With limited job opportunities in this dusty country, the gig economy has gradually seeped into the lifestyles of the less privileged youth, often referred to as the ‘Unplanned Kids’ in Gen Z jargon, and is poised to become the norm. Many young university girls, recent graduates struggling with severe financial challenges, or those living away from their parents, now take up weekend jobs as waitresses (and other gigs) in Kampala’s most exclusive resorts. As our investigation revealed, these gigs frequently lead to encounters with wealthy men who may entice them into selling their bodies for money. These are known as ‘connections,’ and the more connections they make, the smoother and swifter the process becomes.

Samantha (not her real name), 25, a waitress at a posh resort in Nakasero, is approached by a charming, wealthy client who requests her number and promises a life of luxury and financial freedom. Initially, she declines, but persistent approaches, coupled with the crushing weight of poverty, mounting bills, and the allure of a lavish lifestyle, gradually wear down her resistance. As she continues to meet clients with similar offers, the once-reluctant waitress succumbs to peer pressure from her co-workers and the promise of financial security, rationalizing it as a one-time compromise. However, as these encounters multiply and the money becomes irresistible—the love of money being the root of all evil—the boundaries blur. She soon finds herself a crave-ridden desperate girl, offering subtle sexual favours to clients, and gradually descending into prostitution.

The presence of social media platforms like Instagram, X, Snapchat, and TikTok has made it easier than ever for such a person to, with some advice and guidance from peers and social media influencers, master the art of marketing herself discreetly. Prostitution-inclined influencers in the calibre of Bad Black, and Ssenga Acid (famous on Snapchat) have glamorized this lifestyle, making it seem both appealing and lucrative. Instagram, Snapchat, X and TikTok have devolved into hubs for illicit sex marketing. Provocative posts and live videos tantalize viewers with promises of cheap, convenient intimacy. Some brazen individuals broadcast their nudity, while others engage in explicit sex acts, all in real time.

In other scenarios, however, young women in this practice don’t need to physically be in the ‘marketplace’ to engage in sex work. All they require is a phone, an internet connection, and an app like Telegram or WhatsApp. Numerous growing groups on these apps serve as platforms for them to openly advertise sex services; some clients follow them from their links on TikTok, X, Snapchat and Instagram. They then arrange to meet them in their university hostels, or rented rooms, or they go to the client’s location. These women often dress discreetly, giving no hint of their true intentions, as if visiting a friend or relative.

Their price ranges are shocking: 100,000 to millions, depending on the client’s financial muscle and the duration of the sexual service. In more complex arrangements, they offer online sex chats or video calls, helping clients through self-pleasure/masturbation. Some also sell explicit images and videos, often in the form of ‘view once’ WhatsApp content, and they get paid substantial sums just like that! This entire operation unfolds online, making it nearly undetectable to the untrained eye.

In Uganda, the concept of OnlyFans, a platform for exclusive adult content, is gaining traction. Young women, often describing themselves as social media influencers, discreetly link to their premium pornographic content on OnlyFans and similar sites. This subtle strategy allows them to monetize their explicit material without arousing suspicion.

University students can now easily upload explicit content and profit from it without detection, thanks to these paid subscription-based platforms. Unless you’re a subscriber, you’d never know. Some individuals, like Gold Vivian Kateitsi, openly own OnlyFans accounts, blurring the lines between social media influence and adult entertainment.

Signs Your Girlfriend Might Be Hustling
Disclaimer: The signs and indicators mentioned do not constitute definitive or conclusive evidence that an individual is engaged in the act, and should not be used to make assumptions or jump to conclusions.

If you’re starting to suspect that your girlfriend might be involved in this underground economy, here are some signs to look out for:

Weird WhatsApp Groups: If her contacts are saved under strange names and she’s part of questionable groups, that’s a red flag.

Disappearing Messages: If she frequently uses disappearing messages, she might be hiding something.

Late-Night Calls: A flurry of male friends calling her late at night could mean she’s engaged in more than just friendly chats, she might be doing what is termed as ‘sex cams’

Hotel Connections: If she works at a resort and seems too friendly with clients, catching up with them after work, tread carefully.

Big Names: Listen closely to her conversations; if she drops names of wealthy individuals frequently, it might not just be casual talk.

Glorifying Wealth: If she disparages broke men while praising rich ones, her priorities may be skewed.

Late-Night Gigs: If her side jobs keep her out late regularly, consider what kind of work she’s doing.

Secretive Behavior: A locked phone with numerous passwords is suspicious.

No Surprise Visits: If you can’t drop by unannounced without causing discomfort, that’s telling.

Designer Everything: An obsession with luxury items can indicate where her money is coming from.

Online Influences: Following or idolizing known sex workers can be a sign of alignment with that lifestyle.

Judgmental Attitude: If she frequently criticizes others for being ‘holier than thou,’ it may reflect her own guilt.

Cash Flow: An unusually busy mobile money account could indicate secret earnings.

So next time your girlfriend heads out for a ‘gig,’ you might want to ask: Naye otunda ki ekituufu?

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Picture of Joshua Mwesigwa
Joshua Mwesigwa
Mwesigwa Joshua Buxton is an artiste, humor columnist, strategist writer and journalist who draws inspiration from the works of Barbara Kimenye, Timothy Bukumunhe, and Tom Rush. He focuses on writing on entertainment. His background includes collaboration with the Eastern Voice FM newsroom.
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