10 Boda Boda Hacks That Will Save You in Kampala

Courtesy Photo: A Boda Boda rider navigating Kampala’s CBD in Uganda.

Boda Bodas are an unavoidable means of transportation in Kampala, they are affordable and fast. With the rise of cashless services like Safe Boda and Faras, Ugandans can now choose to have a hassle-free experience with trained riders and maximum safety.
On the other hand, ordering a Boda Boda (Jaj) online may lead to delays while waiting for your rider to arrive or find you for that matter. So instead you decide to walk to the road and hail any trustworthy-looking Boda Boda rider.
If this is you, here are ten things to take note of while navigating Kampala.

(1). Always Look Both Ways Before Crossing
At least look four times in each direction before crossing the street. Boda Bodas are fast and easy to miss when in a hurry, so in order to avoid a fatal collision on a seemingly clear street, take time to examine the road. One-way streets are no exception, Kampala Boda Bodas will find you, so please do not cross in a hurry (leave that to the pros).

(2). Know Where You Are Going
If you are not sure about where you are headed, a Boda Boda rider will most probably take advantage of you. A journey that would normally cost UGX 3,000 will be hiked to UGX 10,000. In addition, the rider may take you to an unsafe area and steal from you or worse, so because you have no idea of where you are headed you will not even notice a ‘wrong turn.’
Instead, use Google Maps to help you navigate the journey. Believe you me, with it, it will be much harder to get lost. Additionally, try to get a Boda that is already riding in the general direction of your destination. This puts you in a better position when bargaining and avoids unnecessary detours or wasting time heading the opposite way.

(3). Be Shrewd, not Rude
At the end of the day underneath those helmets and reflector jackets is a human being, so be nice. Smile, ask them how their day is going, greet them or even buy them a soda. But, when it comes down to business shrewdness is required. State your price without wavering. Give them the implication that if they do not agree to your terms, there are hundreds of other Boda Bodas to pick from. Then allow him state his price so that a middle ground is established.

(4). Speak Some Luganda
The most commonly spoken language among Boda Boda riders is Luganda. So even if it is just an ‘Oli otya’ (How are you?), it connects you to the rider and makes them feel seen. Speaking Luganda also gives you an added advantage because you straight away fall into the category of street smart, making it hard for a rider to think of manipulating you.

(5). Beware of Talkative Riders
Engaging in a conversation with a Jaj (Boda Boda Kiboozi) guy is not a bad thing, in most cases it’s beautiful because of their unique perspectives. However, there are some journeys you would rather have in silence. The best thing to do, would be to politely inform the rider of your inability to engage in conversation, politely.

(6). Trust your Instincts
It is thirty minutes passed midnight and you have been standing on a remote street waiting for a Jaj for about forty minutes. You send a prayer to the sky asking whoever you believe for safety, when a Boda Boda finally appears and slows to a stop in front of you. He politely asks where you are headed and as you open your mouth to inform him, the rancid smell of Alcohol hits you. You subconsciously take a step back and start seeing stars and red flags. Your mind tells you to let the guy go, but your feet are demanding rest.
Before you make any decision, keep in mind that anything that happens thereafter can only be blamed on you. You also happen to notice that he has no side mirrors and his front light actually does not work.
Moral of the story is, listen to your instincts and you shall be saved.

(7). Avoid ‘Bavubuka’
In Luganda, the word ‘Bavubuka’ means youth, in reference to Boda Boda riders it also means the same thing. Youthful riders are known to be proud, reckless and big-headed. They are known to overspeed and do not want to hear you complain about it.

(8). Differentiate Between Stage Bodas and Those On The Move
A stage Boda Boda is a bit pricey and cannot be bargained with, but they are safe. In the event that something happens, your rider can be identified because of the stage from which he came.
An on-the-road Boda Boda is cheaper and flexible in terms of pricing, however, they are really risky. Tracking such a driver can be close to impossible. For all you know, he could have been riding a stolen Boda.

(9). Be alert
Be alert while choosing your rider and be alert during the journey. Allowing the rider to swim through traffic like a shark that has gotten a whiff of blood will surely lead to something fatal. As a passenger on a Boda Boda, you become the co-driver, which means you are the extra eyes and ears of the rider. Staying alert will save you from death, injury or being robbed, so, take out your AirPods put your phone away and be alert.

(10). Avoid The Old-looking Bodas
When in a hurry you often times find yourself overlooking the general appearance of the Boda Boda itself. But then when it starts making some funny noise halfway through the journey, regret will eat you up. Avoid regret by getting onto a Jaj that looks fairly new.
A lot of emphasis is on politeness because once you sit on that Jaj, your life is in their hands, one swerve in the wrong direction could cost you a leg. Because of the rapid increase in Boda Bodas on the street, we must understand how to best navigate them.
By Precious Gift Aloyo

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Precious Aloyo

Precious Gift Aloyo is a journalist, voice-over artist and poet. She strongly believes in environmental preservation through collective action.


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