Your lower back hurts, you have the weirdest of cravings, your appetite has drastically changed, you have mood swings, your stomach is so bloated you feel pregnant, you’re vomiting, you can barely sleep, you become less active or more active….
It’s that time of the month, the most dreaded for many of us, men and women alike. The women are in pain and feel very disgusting, thus their cranky nature. While the men’s patience and endurance is highly tested.
Period cramps are the worst part of this! They are caused by the tearing apart of the uterus lining, since no child was harboured in its padded depth. The uterus contracts to expel the unwanted lining, thus the pain.
How do we get rid of this pain? In most cases, you can’t entirely get rid of the pain, though there are measures you can take that will bring instant relief.
Apply heat
You could use a bottle of warm water, a hot cloth and heat packs applied directly to the stomach area. This will relieve you of pain, while at the same time causing the blood to clot less. Be warned that too much heat directly applied to the skin can burn you and cause permanent discolouration.
I’ve noticed that by keeping my body active before and during periods, the cramping drastically reduces and turns to a very dull ache. Sometimes I feel no pain at all. I believe this is because keeping the muscles active allows them to gradually get used to the strain. It’s like doing sit-ups, for the first time, your tummy will ache so bad that you might even forgo food. But after two weeks of constant sit-ups, the abdomen muscles will have adjusted.
Exercise also releases hormones like dopamine that relieve pain. Do not stay in bed when experiencing this pain, get up and keep the body active.
Drinking warm fluids
Warm fluids help to soothe the painful area once they settle in the abdomen. One thing to take note of is the beneficial herbs and supplements that can be integrated into these fluids. From cinnamon to ginger, to hibiscus and even chamomile. These will help you regain lost nutrients and give the body what it needs to stay healthy and strong during this trying time. For many this is when the body is at its lowest, so your immunity needs to be boosted and your iron intake must be increased.
Eat healthy
Include more vegetables and fruits in your meals. According to research done by Health Science, pineapple is a good remedy for period cramps because it gives anti-inflammatory relief. So devour those pineapples.
Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine like ibuprofen can help to regulate the inflammation and the pain.
Drink coke
Coke does bring instant relief for some. However, the caffeine and sugar may lead to increased cramps and are generally not healthy for your body.
Take contraceptives
Contraceptives use hormones to prevent the body from releasing an egg. Contraceptives can be taken to suppress the pain or entirely do away with it. On the other hand, contraceptives can lead to high blood pressure and bleeding between periods.
Menstruation affects every lady differently, this means that some may not feel this pain, others will feel it and still be able to function, while others will feel extremely brutal pain. This brutal pain keeps them bedridden and unable to perform daily tasks. It is important that when extremes on both ends occur (heavy flow, excess pain. Very limited flow) that you seek medical advice, because there may be an underlying problem.
One should ensure to use natural remedies, if these fail, seek medical advice before taking the medicine your neighbour’s sister recommended.
In the meantime satisfy those cravings in a civilized way😐
By Precious Gift Aloyo
1 thought on “How To Quickly Deal With Period Cramps: Menstrual Pain Relief Tips”
Men’s patience tested lol